You can print the image to any size you like, though the larger it is the harder it may be to get good coverage with the techniques. I would recommend starting at the class size. I’ve printed the NO LINES version as this will give a softer finish. There is no difference in the technique for colouring either the no lines or black lines image.
The size I've used in the class video is 9cm high (3.5”). If you are new to resizing images, please view my handy video here!
Colours required:
You can use any colour blends to do this class and any brand of markers! Simply choose any colour blend from your collection, or view the ones I’ve used below. For more colour suggestions click the Free Colour Blend Charts tab. Techniques don’t change if the colours do so experiment with your supplies.
Copic Blends
Polar Bear – E40, E41, E42, E43, E44
Polar Bear nose - W3, W5, 100
Foliage – YG11, YG23, YG67, G99
Berries – R20, R29, R59
Hat - You can use any colour for the hat! For a nice red blend, I've used R20, R24, R29, R59. For more blend ideas, check out the Colour Charts tab above!
Alternative blends in other popular brands:
Spectrum Noir Blends:
Polar Bear – EB1, EB2, EB3, EB7
Polar Bear nose - BG3, BG5, Black
Foliage – DG1, DG2, DG3, DG4
Berries – cr3, cr11, dr6, dr7
Hat - You can use any colour for the hat! For a nice red blend, I've used cr3, cr11, dr6, dr7. For more blend ideas, check out the Colour Charts tab above!
Promarker Blends:
Polar Bear – Almond, Pastel Beige, Khaki, Umber
Polar Bear nose - Warm Grey 2, Warm Grey 5, Black
Foliage – Meadow Green, Bright Green, Forest Green, Pine
Berries – Pale Pink, Poppy, Burgundy
Hat - You can use any colour for the hat! For a nice red blend, I've used Pale Pink, Lipstick Red, Poppy, Burgundy. For more blend ideas, check out the Colour Charts tab above!
Ohuhu Blends:
Polar Bear – E010, E280, E300, E310
Polar Bear nose - WG050, WG090, WG130
Foliage – G050, G260, GY43, G300
Berries – R110, R180, R290
Hat - You can use any colour for the hat! For a nice red blend, I've used R110, R150, R180, R290. For more blend ideas, check out the Colour Charts tab above!
Cardmaking Supplies:
Please note that my video class only covers the colouring portion of the project. My card is just an example of what you can create with the image. I've included a tutorial with instructions for making in the All Access Pass Booklet
- card for bases (my image is printed on X-Press It Blending Card)
- Double sided tape
- Designer Paper (I've used papers from Maja Designs)
- Embellishments (I've used lace, a string of pearls, twine, and paper flowers.